10 Apr 2022 - Invoice breakdown template options

Included in this release:

Feedback or questions? 
Email us as support@projectworks.io and one of the team will get back to you!


Emailing the invoice breakdown PDF and changes to the template

There has been a change to the process for emailing the invoice breakdown report to your customers. If you currently email the invoice breakdown you need to know this.

  • The "include comments" checkbox has been removed when individually emailing invoices and choosing to include the breakdown report. The format and content of the invoice breakdown report is determined by the template that is being used.

If your invoice breakdown template includes a column for comments then the comments will always be included.

If your template doesn't include a column for comments then comments will never be included.

If you want to exclude comments you will need to create a new template that doesn't have the comments column.

  • The Projectworks default template no longer has comments included and has been renamed to "Default Invoice Breakdown Template (comments EXCLUDED)"
  • Depending on how you operate you may like to add or replace this template with one that includes comments. 
  • When emailing an invoice you will have the option to choose which template you want to use - this is also a default setting on projects.

If you are using a custom breakdown template we recommend you review your template to ensure you are happy with it's contents.

Note that you can upload multiple templates so providing the option to use different templates for different situations.

Invoice breakdown template changes

Additional columns have been added for use in the the "time" section of the template:

Column  Tag to use on Word template
Comment <Comment>
Quantity/Hours <Hours>
Billable Rate <Rate>
Time = formatted as hh:mm <Time>


Expected hours on timecodes

We have changed some terminology and completed a minor rejig of the "Users / Rates / Hrs" tab within a timecode. 

  • The terminology "Allocated Hrs" has been replaced with "Expected Hrs". 
  • If you do allocate hours on a timecodes there hasn't been any functional changes - just the change to terminology.
  • This change will help address some confusion over allocated hours being the same as to budgeted hours (allocated/expected hrs are independent of the budget).






