27 Feb 2022 - Holidays and leave on time entries screens

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Time entries screen incudes leave and holidays

The time entries screens have been updated with a new option to allow you to see leave and holidays along with the time entries. This provides the ability to see the full activities for a person in any given period of time, however only leave and holidays up to the current date will be shown.

Bulk actions are unable to be performed on the leave and holiday data on the time entries screens.

Bulk actions are unable to be performed on the leave and holiday data on the time entries screens.

Leave balances if integrated with Xero

A minor adjustment to the leave integration with Xero payroll. Only balances for paid leave types are displayed in Projectworks.


SQL Views


Updated to fix an error to populate use the hours from the work week for each person for a holiday. They were being presented as a full day (from the environment default) .