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  2. Purchase Orders

Beta coming soon - Emailing Purchase Order

Much like Invoices, Purchase Orders (POs) can be dispatched via email to your Supplier directly from the Purchase Order screens.

Supplier email

The system can use the default email for your supplier as set in the accounting system you integrate with. To have the system consider the supplier email, make sure to tick the 'Supplier contact' within the PO itself.

PO Supplier contact-1


You’ll be able to trigger an email to the supplier of a PO on the ‘Purchase Orders’ screen and using the three dot menu on the right hand side of the specific PO line you are looking to dispatch. A pop up will open to allow you to enter email addresses.

PO Dispatch

Bulk Dispatching

You can bulk dispatch PO emails from the PO list screen by selecting the desired Purchase Orders and using the bulk action from the righthand side panel that appears.

The email link on the bulk actions isn't available for me

This is typically because none of the POs has a supplier email available (or ticked within the PO) - this means the system doesn't know where to send the PO to and the bulk email action is disabled.


Once the email is triggered and has been successfully sent, the PO will have a label ‘Emailed’ on the list screens to indicate that the PO has been sent off to the Supplier and the goods and services are expected sometime in the future. 
