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Forecast Change Log

Sometimes forecasts go up and sometimes they go down. Knowing what has caused a forecast to change is important to different levels of management.

Every time a new forecast is added or an existing forecast is changed, details of the change are recorded and added to the forecast change logs. The change logs can be viewed at either a project or company level from various areas of Projectworks. Forecast changes are also presented on graphs on the various company and project forecasting screens providing an visual representation of changes.

Forecasts are entered for the month an invoice will be raised, with forecast change logs grouped into the month the forecast is for, then by the date of the change. Each entry on the change log shows the following:

  • Date and time the forecast was changed, and who made the change
  • Company, Project, Account Manager & Project Manager
  • Comment, reason the forecast was changed
  • Old forecast, new forecast and the amount of the change

Company level forecast change logs

The Company Forecasting screen provides access to forecast change logs at a company level and can be viewed either for an individual company, or at a Account Manager level. 

Account Manager Portfolio 

The forecasting overview by Account Manger section groups forecasts to the Account Manager level. Clicking the forecast for an Account Manager will show the forecast change log for all companies/projects within their portfolio.

Company: Within each Account Manager, forecasts are presented for each company. Clicking the forecast will show the forecast change log for all projects for the selected company.

Project level forecast change logs

The Project Forecasting screen provides access to forecast change logs at a project level and can be viewed either for an individual project, or at a Project Manager level..

Project Forecasting

The Project Forecasting screen provides access to forecast change logs for the portfolio of a Project Manager, or for a specific project. 

Project Manager Portfolio: The forecasting overview by project manger section groups forecasts to the project manager level. Clicking the forecast for a project manager will show the forecast change log for all projects within their portfolio.

Project: Within each project manager, forecasts are presented for each project. Clicking the forecast for a project will show the forecast change log for the selected project.