Mandatory timesheet comments

Comments on time entries can be useful for managers (and even clients) however they might not always be necessary, and Projectworks lets you specify whether they are mandatory or not.

When creating a project

When creating a project you can specify that all time entry comments should be mandatory. Click “Timecode Setup” in the create flow (you must set up some budgets first), and tick “Make time entry comments mandatory”. Any timecode created for the project will have comments set to mandatory by default - this can be overridden per timecode.


Timecode setting

Each timecode has a setting (part of the main flow when creating a timecode, or under “Settings” for existing timecodes) that can be checked / unchecked depending on whether you want to enforce comments on time entries against this timecode.


System-wide default

Your Projectworks administrator can set comments to be mandatory by default in Settings > System > Settings > Always default comments to be mandatory for new timecodes.

Note, this can be overridden when creating a new project, or on an individual timecode.