System > Purchase orders

Attachment required for purchase orders

Set rules to determine whether an attachment is required for purchase orders that have certain statuses. For example you can require an attachment for a purchase order with the status of “ready for supplier”, but not for one that is draft.

  • By default attachments are required only for draft purchase orders


PO email content

Set up the wording of the email template used when emailing purchase orders directly to your customers from within Projectworks.

The system default wording can be updated as required. There are a number of dynamic tags that can be used to pull values relating to the purchase order or project into the email content.

For example, you might want to address the email to the supplier contact, include the job number and the purchase order number in the email.

Click Insert tag to see the available options and to select the dynamic content you want to include.

If you make a mistake - you can revert to the default message and start again.

The same email template is used for all purchase orders

Purchase order email setting

It is strongly recommended that you test the email and verify the wording before sending out invoices.


Description for Invoice Breakdown mandatory for billable purchase order items

If you will be sending customers a breakdown report purchase order items being invoiced you can enforce a description for invoice breakdown to be entered for billable items.

  • Disabled by default (set to false) so optional to enter a description for invoice breakdown