System > Templates

It is possible to setup and customise templates that are used to create PDFs for invoices, invoice breakdown reports, quotes and purchase orders.

  • Invoice templates are used to control the layout and content of invoices

  • Invoice breakdowns can accompany an invoice and include details of the time and expense entries associated with an invoice

  • Quote templates are used to control the layout and content of quotes

  • Purchase order templates are used to control the layout and content of purchase orders

The templates are Microsoft Word documents that are uploaded and used to present PDFs which can be sent to customers. While the structure and content of the templates is different, the process for managing them is the same for each of the entities.

Set up one or more templates to control the presentation of your invoices, invoice breakdowns. Invoices are created the same way within the application with the selected template determining the layout of the invoice PDF.

Multiple templates can be uploaded allowing you to generate PDFs in a different layout if required. For example, if you need to include a fee summary with an invoice you could have a template that includes a table of the budget summary with details such as the fee, amount previously invoiced, % of budget invoiced or the remaining budget.

You can specify which template is to be used as the default, and if you operate as multiple organisations you can also specify which organisations a template applies to.

While overall default templates are specified, templates can also be set within projects as needed, and can also be set on each invoice, quote or purchase order.

Admin - Templates 3

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System default templates

It is mandatory to have a template available for each of the entities and a system default is populated. The system default can be downloaded, but are not able to be deleted.

It is recommended that you set up your own templates (with your logo etc) in each of the entities and then untick 'available” for the system defaults so they are not available for use.



Uploading templates

Templates can be uploaded by clicking + Add another template and either selecting a Microsoft Word file or dragging a Microsoft Word file into the area and clicking save.

To replace a template, download Templates can be downloaded, edited as required, then uploaded again.

  • For invoices and quotes, if you upload a file with the same name as an existing file it will replace the existing one.

  • For invoice breakdowns, an existing template is unable to be replaced, the files must have unique names to be uploaded.

System - Templates

A template can not be deleted if there is data linked to it (eg an invoice or quote has been created with that template). If a template is no longer needed you can make it unavailable and it will no longer be able to be selected.

Customising templates

The templates are built in Microsoft Word and the ease of customising them depends on your proficiency with using Microsoft Word. The content of the template can be a mix of static text (typed directly onto the document) or data that is sourced from within Projectworks using MergeFields.

The structure of the templates is validated in the upload process and any issues preventing upload are shown.

There are many fields available to be pulled onto the templates. Take note that there are specific structures required for tables of data.

While templates can be created from scratch by adding the MergeFields required it may be easier to start by downloading an existing template and making modifications.

Learn about setting up PDF templates and see list of available fields →


Standard templates in your environment

A set of standard templates are deployed into each Projectworks environment. Each entity has a system default template that can’t be deleted, but you can download., modify and replace the templates


Supplementing the system default template, three different invoice layouts are included. They can be downloaded, customised (logo etc) and uploaded again.

Default invoice template is the system default and has the same structure as the Invoice (standard) template. If is recommended that you customise the templates you want to use and set one of those as the default and make make the default invoice template not available.

Invoice (standard)

The standard invoice template is basic, including key header details like invoice number, invoice date, customer address etc.

The invoice lines include a description, quantity, rate and amount, with the total and tax component of the invoice.

The bottom of the invoice includes the payment due date and can be used to display your banking details.

Note: The columns in the table can be adjusted, eg remove quantity and rate, and/or add tax rate or name.


Template - invoice standard

Invoice (with fee summary table)

This is a two page invoice, with the first page being the same as the invoice (standard) template.

It includes a supplementary page with provides a fee summary of the project.

The table includes a row for each budget line of the project, showing the total fee (budget), % invoiced to date, amount previously invoiced, amount of this invoice. total invoiced to date and the remaining budget amount.

Note: The columns in the table can be adjusted, eg remove quantity and rate, and/or add tax rate or name.

Template - invoice fee summary


Invoice (with breakdown)

This is a two page invoice, with the first page being the same as the invoice (standard) template.

It includes a supplementary page which provides a breakdown of the entries that are associated with the invoice. There is a table for the invoiced time entries and a table for invoiced expenses.

The time table groups entry within each budget line, with a row for each time entry showing the date, person, timecode used, comment, hours, rate and amount invoiced.

The expenses table groups within each budget line, with a row for each expense showing the amount invoiced.

Note: The columns in the table can be adjusted, eg remove any that don't apply.

 Template - invoice with breakdown



Invoice breakdowns

There are two invoice breakdown templates, with the “comments excluded” version being the system default. They can be downloaded, customised (logo etc) and uploaded again.

Default invoice template is the system default and has the same structure as the Invoice (standard) template. If is recommended that you customise the templates you want to use and set one of those as the default and make make the default invoice template not available.

The templates includes basic header details (Company name, Project Name, Invoice Number and Invoice Date).

The table for time entries list the date, person, billable rate, hours and value for each time entry. The table for expenses includes the date, expense description, quantity and amount.

The only difference between the templates is that one excludes the comments entered in timesheets and one excludes them.

Note: The tables will only be included on the PDF if there are entries for them (eg the expenses table will not be shown if no expenses are included on the invoice)

The columns in the table can be adjusted, eg add timecode name, remove billable rate.

Refer to the full list of available fields. →


A basic quote template is included and is set as the system default. It can be downloaded, customised (logo etc) and uploaded again.

The default quote template is basic, including key header details like quote number, quote date, customer address etc.

It has been set up to be able to present quotes from projects that have been constructed using all three available pricing methods.

The quote table lines includes a header row for each budget line. If the project was priced using a timecode level option, the fee for each timecode, and if applicable the hours and rate per role will be shown, along with the fee for each timecode.

The columns in the table can be adjusted as required. 

Refer to the full list of available fields. →