Timesheet Reminders - Beta

Timesheet reminders are a great tool to remind members of your team to fill out and submit their timesheet for the week, if your business processes include submitting timesheets.

If you configure timesheet reminders, Projectworks will run a check based on a schedule you set to find any active employee who:

  • has a billable posting

  • and who hasn’t submitted their timesheet.

Once identified, Projectworks will email them a link to the current week's timesheet to make it easy to stay on top of the admin.

If you operate a multi-organisation business, you are able to tailor the use of reminders to suit each organisation's needs individually.


No reminders are enabled or configured by default, so to take advantage of the feature, first make sure that:

  • the system setting in Admin > Settings ‘Timesheets require submitting’ is set to true; and

  • turn on the Timesheet Reminders beta by navigating to Admin > Beta features; and

  • navigate to Admin > Notification Settings > Reminders to configure your timesheet reminders.TimesheetRemindersConfig1

Make sure all relevant user access levels also allow timesheet submissions!

If an access level doesn’t have access to submit timesheets, but users in the access levels are billable, they will receive timesheet reminders every week and not be able to action the request.


Setting up reminders

First, you will set a timesheet deadline for each organisation you want to have reminders by selecting a day of the week and a time. This setting should align with your business process around timesheet submissions.

If you set a submission deadline, but don’t add any reminders, no emails will be sent.

Next, you can set one or many reminders by selecting the day of the week and time of day when Projectworks will detect which user(s) in that organisation

  • have not yet submitted their timesheet; and

  • are active users who have a billable posting for any part of the current week.

A common configuration is to set a reminder on the day of your timesheet deadline, slightly earlier than the deadline time, and another one on the same day, slightly after the deadline time - this way your users are not getting too many emails, but those who have been busy still have a timely reminder to get their timesheets sorted!

E.g. timesheet deadline is set for Fridays at 4:00pm

Reminder 1 is set for Fridays at 3:30pm

Reminder 2 is set for Fridays at 5:00pm

If you want to catch any stragglers first thing Monday morning, add a reminder for late Sunday night for the reminder email to be waiting in the inbox as your users log in for the new week.

You can also preview the email that gets sent to users who meet the reminder criteria. Each email contains a link to the user’s timesheet, making it easy to comply with the business process.

The time zone used for the reminders is driven by the time zone selected for your organisation, so if you have employees in multiple time zones, they will receive the notification in the equivalent time in their time zone.

E.g. your organisation is based in Sydney, NSW, Australia and operates in AEST, but you also have an office in Perth, WA, Australia which operates in AWST.

You set a reminder for 4pm on Friday.

The employees who are in Sydney and therefore in AEST will get the reminder at 4pm on Friday, but your employees in Perth will receive it at 2pm AWST.

You can edit and remove reminders at any point in time to change the date and time when reminders are sent, or stop using them.TimesheetRemindersConfig4