16 Mar 2023 - Enhancements to Jira & DevOps integrations, more invoice template tags

Included in this release:

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Jira and DevOps time tracking widget can now burndown remaining hours

Time logged via the Jira or DevOps time trackers can now burn down the remaining hours on the tickets. No more double entering time entries if you manage hours in Jira or DevOps, and time & billing in Projectworks.

These settings are at a per project level, with a system wide default available to configure.


Read more about configuring your Jira and DevOps integration → 

Invoice template can now be extended to include invoice breakdown details

Save time and remove the need for sending out a separate invoice breakdown report along with your invoice by including this information on the invoice itself. All of the invoice breakdown report tags are now available for the main invoice template, giving you the option to include a break down or all time and expense entries associated with the invoice.

Read more about invoice templates →