People cost report

Margin reporting relies on people’s costs being accurately entered in Projectworks, so having the ability to see these costs in a single report will help to identify if people’s costs are correct.

Accessing the People Cost report

The People Cost report can be accessed from the Reports menu.

Accessing People cost report (1)-gif

Projectworks administrators: to set up the access levels to allow access to this screen you will need to tick both of these under the "More Options" on the access levels you want to provide access to:

  • Reports.Directory.View; and

  • Reports.PeopleCost.View.

There are a number of filters available to slice and dice the People Cost report and gain visibility across organisation, manager, role etc. 

If a person has more than one posting, only their most recent posting details will be displayed against each of their costs in the report. 


A person’s posting includes their agreement type:

  1. Salaried/ Fixed (e.g. an employee who is paid a fixed amount regardless of the number of hours they work)

  2. Hourly (e.g. a contractor who is paid for every hour they work)

Cost Type

A person’s cost must have a cost type associated to it. Projectworks administrators can set up cost types in the people cost system settings. Read more about setting up cost types →

Gross margin

If a cost is not included in the gross margin calculation, the margins will appear inflated. Select to view the “Gross Margin” column in report to see if any of the costs are excluded in the gross margin calculation.


Hourly cost

If a person’s cost has been added as an hourly cost, this cost amount will be displayed in the report.

Annual cost

If a person’s cost has been added as an annual cost, this cost amount will be displayed in the report.

The hourly costs included in the project and company margin reporting for these people will be calculated based on this annual amount DIVIDED BY the Financial Year hours of the person’s organisation.


Some people are not displayed in the People Cost report

Remove all the filters, to ensure that the person is not hidden. If the person is still not included in the report, it is likely that no cost has been added for this person.

Projectworks administrators with access to view and edit a Peron’s costs can view the person’s costs and add these if required.

Read more about setting up costs of your people →

Some people have numerous costs, and I don’t know which ones are relevant

If a person has been employed for a long time and has had a number of costs, you can view their most recent costs by grouping by “People” and sorting by “Cost End Date”.


The person has a cost, but the margin reports aren’t recognising these costs

A person’s costs may be excluded in margin reporting for a number of reasons:

  1. There are no costs for the date range that you are viewing the margin report for.

  2. The financial year for the person’s organisation is missing:

    • The financial year must be set up and each financial year must have “Work Hours for Year” set up for each Organisation to calculate the costs for any date range included in the report within the financial year. Read more about work hours for the year →

  3. The cost type for the cost is not used in the gross margin calculation