29 Jan 2023 - Bulk actioning invoices, expense tracking categories, & expenses to QuickBooks

Included in this release:

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Bulk actioning invoices

  • Bulk exporting invoices will now work the same way as leave and expenses, using the bulk action checkboxes.

  • There are no changes to permissions. If you could export invoices before you can export them in the new way.

  • Invoices can be bulk exported from any invoicing screen by people who have permissions.

  • For those who email out invoices, this will now work in the same way, using the bulk action checkboxes.

  • You can still export and email invoices on an individual basis, as before.

Read more about actioning invoices →

Xero tracking categories on expenses

If you use tracking categories in Xero, you can now include those on your Projectworks expenses and have them flow through to Xero.

Read more about using tracking categories on expenses →

Exporting reimbursable expenses to QuickBooks

Reimbursable expenses can now be exported to QuickBooks (previously only available to Xero customers). Once expense claims are approved they can be exported to QuickBooks as a bill-to-pay with the employee whom the claim is for set as the vendor/supplier to be paid.

Read more about exporting expenses →

Utilisation target report chart updated

Thanks to all the customers who provided feedback on the new Utilisation Target report! We’ve added a utilisation rate graphic to the charts, so you now see the utilisation rate, utilisation target, and time spend breakdown at a glance.

Project by Budget Health margin columns (beta)

We’ve added the current and projected margin to the Projects by Budget Health report. This is currently behind a beta flag while we assess impact to page performance. If you’re keen to try it out your Projectworks Administrator can enable the beta in Settings > Features. Note: even with the beta enabled, only people with access to view margin will see the columns.

Read more about projects by Budget Health →